Computer Simulation in Science (M.Sc.)
The course of studies
The MSc programme on Computer Simulation in Science (CSiS) is taught in English and focuses on the application of computer-oriented techniques and methods to modern research problems. The programme is designed to be completed in four semesters.
The required coursework for the programme includes courses in Computer Simulation, Computer Science, and Numerical Methods. In addition to the required coursework, you will take elective courses to earn a specialization in one of the following fields:
- Atmospheric Physics: simulation of chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere.
- Computational Electromagnetics: computer-aided simulation of electromagnetic field distributions and additional multi-physically coupled field effects in complex technological and biological systems.
- Computational Fluid Mechanics: pedestrian dynamics, fire simulation, multiphase flow, water flow.
- Experimental Particle Physics: simulations for large experiments like the accelerator LHC, the Pierre Auger cosmic ray observatory or the IceCube South Pole neutrino experiment.
- Financial Mathematics: solving mathematical problems specifically related to financial markets by numerical techniques.
- Materials Science: the physics of soft matter, for example polymers, surfactants or low-molecular weight liquids.
- Theoretical Chemistry: computations of inter- and intra-molecular interactions and spectra.
- Theoretical Particle Physics: interactions of fundamental particles: Monte Carlo simulations of lattice gauge theories or computer algebra assisted Feynman graph computations.
"Beratungsführer" (Study choice guide)
Points of contact
Examination regulations
Please note that enrolment in the course requires an application for admission!