Directions and maps


The university hall is located in the Albert-Einstein-Straße, Grifflenberg campus.

Getting to know the university and its institutions

Guided campus tours

Would you like to get to know the University of Wuppertal?

We take our first-year students on a tour of the Grifflenberg campus and show you to the most important contact points and rooms.
More information and dates

Virtual campus tour

Our student assistants show you around the campus Grifflenberg during a virtual campus tour and give invaluable tips for everyday student life.

Please click here for our
virtual 3-D campus tour


You can participate in our Internet scavenger hunt with our Actionbound App

Bound Campus Uni Wuppertal

Campus App

The app helps you to get to the university, to find your way on the campus and to find the right room or lecture hall. The app includes a navigator with all lecture halls and rooms as well as bus timetables.

Read more

What is the meaning of the room numbers?

All rooms of the University of Wuppertal have a unique room number, which is made up of the campus, building, level and room.
Campus Grifflenberg,
Room O.06.18


Campus Grifflenberg,
Building O, level 06, room 18